Monday, December 13, 2010

Introduction to Philly Beer Drinker


Over the past few years, I have decided to undertake a massive project involving one my all time favorite hobbies - drinking beer. I know what you're saying to yourself right now: "Big deal. I drink beer too. I'm not going to tell the world about it." Three months ago, I would have said the same thing. Allow me to tell a short story.

While I was in college, I worked at a local Philadelphia Bar called McGillin's Ale House. Every year we would have an 'Extreme Beer Month' or some such thing where the owner would get in a wide variety of rare, high alcohol content beers. Two years after I left McGillin's, they had yet another 'Extreme Beer Month' and the owner either was given or bought a set of books, which were essentially encyclopedias of all domestic bottled beers. After beer month was over, the owner of McGillin's was giving these books away. My best friend Mike, who still works there, got his hands on one and passed it on to me. Originally, I just thought it was a nice keepsake or talking piece for my home bar (when I build it). My then-fiance said to me "I guess you have to drink all of the beers in there, right?" And right she was. from that moment, I have decided to try and drink as many of the beers that are currently in this "Beer Book" as possible.*

The task has already started. Obviously as a 26 year old male, I've had my fair share of beers. I even went for a nice variety before I had the book. I started crossing off (with a highlighter) the types of beer I had already drank up to that point. I have quite a ways to go yet, so there are plenty of beers still to drink.

About the blog - I have never been one to be a big fan of weblogs, facebook, myspace, etc. However, I have come to a point where I have had so many beers that 1.) It's getting hard to distinguish the beers in my memories and 2.) I want to remember the ones I do enjoy so that I can look for them, or get them again in the future. What I'll be doing here is keeping track of all of the beers that I drink and the ones that I have had in the past that I can write a decent enough review of from my memory.

If anyone happens to stumble aross this blog and feels compelled to join in, please do. If you've had a draft or bottle that I have had, please feel free to share your feelings on it. If you think that I will enjoy a beer that you like, let me know. I'll keep an eye out for it. I am not discriminatory against foreign beers. I will, on occassion have German brew or Irish Ale, or whatever and I will comment on it as well. It's just that those foreign beers won't help to complete my goal of drinking all of the beers in my Beer Book.

Here's what I ask. If you are going to comment on a beer, please don't just say something like "That beer sucks" or "That beer's good". Give us your reasons for feeling this way.

I'll be posting again maybe tonight with how I will rate beers and what will go into the descriptions of the beers I drink.

Happy Drinking,


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